Do your own thing.

We are open to new approaches

A warm welcome!

New life hacks for freshers

"Ask your professors, most of them don't bite!" This and many other good tips from experienced students can be heard in the video! Do you have any other advice? Thanks to everyone who took part!

Watch the video on YouTube

Campus Haarentor Tour

Canteen, library, SSC, auditorium: On their campus tour, Menko and Mafalda show you which buildings and facilities can be found on Campus Haarentor, how to find your way around and where to get good coffee.

Watch the video on YouTube

Campus Wechloy Tour

Menko and Mafalda take you on a tour around the Wechloy Campus - including insights into the experimental lecture hall and laboratories.

Watch the video on YouTube




University on the move

Good to know

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